YuruYuri is a television anime series produced by Dogakobo based on the comedy manga series by Namori, which is published in Comic Yuri Hime. The series follows the everyday lives of Akari, Kyoko, Yui and Chinatsu who make up the Amusement Club at their school. The first series aired AT-X between July 5 and September 20, 2011 and was simulcast on Crunchyroll. The opening theme is "Yuriyurarararayuruyuri Daijiken" (ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件 The Big YuriYurarararaYuruYuri Incident ) by Minami Tsuda, Rumi Ookubo, Shiori Mikami and Yuka Ootsubo, while the ending theme is "My Pace de Ikimashō" (マイペースでいきましょう Mai Pēsu de Ikimashō , Let's Go at My Pace) by Tsuda, Ookubo, Mikami and Ootsubo. A second season, titled YuruYuri♪♪, has been announced.[1]
Contents |
No. | Title | Original airdate |
01 | "Middle School Debut!" "Chūgaku Debyū!" (中学デビュー!) |
July 5, 2011[2] |
As Akari Akaza enters middle school, she decides to join the Amusement Club alongside her friends, Kyōko Toshinō and Yui Funami. They are later joined by Akari's classmate, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, who originally intended to join the now-defunct tea ceremony club, but is convinced to join the Amusement Club. Noticing Akari's lack of presence, the girls try and come up with ways of improving her personality. | ||
02 | "Me and You and the Student Council" "Watashi to Anata to Seitokai" (私とあなたと生徒会) |
July 12, 2011[3] |
The student council president, Ayano Sugiura, shows her annoyance at always placing behind Kyōko in tests, while her assistant Chitose Ikeda fantasizes about the yuri potential between the two. Meanwhile, two classmates, Himawari Furutani and Sakurako Ōmuro, are at war with each other as they are both vying for vice-president position. Ayano later gets a cold so the others pay her a visit. | ||
03 | "You Wanna Come Visit?!...Yeah, Let's Go!" "Uchi Kuru!?... Iku Iku!" (ウチくる!? …いくいくっ!) |
July 19, 2011[3] |
With Yui now living alone in her own apartment, she invites the others over for lunch. After Akari and Chitose leaves, Kyōko decides to spend the night only to remember she hasn't finished her homework. | ||
04 | "The Great Summer Harvest" "Natsu no Dai-shūkaku-sai" (夏の大収穫祭) |
July 26, 2011[3] |
The girls write Tanabata wishes, with Kyōko becoming annoyed at how Chinatsu's wish is responded to by Yui. Ayano studies fiercely to reach the top of the final exams, only to become disappointed to find Kyōko hadn't studied due to the exams conflicting with a doujin deadline. Later, everyone heads to the beach, where Ayano's attempts to be more friendly with Kyōko prove to be near fatal for Chitose's imagination. | ||
05 | "When Akari and the Cicadas Cry" "Akari toka Minminzemi toka Naku Koro ni" (あかりとかミンミンゼミとかなく頃に) |
August 2, 2011[3] |
Ayano unwittingly gets dragged along by Kyōko, Yui and Chitose to a doujinshi convention in Tokyo to help Kyōko sell her dojin. Himawari and Sakurako work on their summer homework, where Sakurako talks about why she joined the student council. Meanwhile, Akari and Chinatsu have a confusing conversation about the latter's feelings towards Yui, which leads to Chinatsu practicing "kissing" on Akari against Akari's will just as Yui and Kyōko walk in. | ||
06 | "Art☆Arter☆Artist" "Āto☆Ātā☆Āchisuto" (あーと☆あーたー☆あーちすと) |
August 9, 2011[3] |
A visit by a first year student inspires Kyōko to draw a doujin about her and Yui, prompting Chinatsu to respond with her own story, presented in a fearsome art style. They then decide to make some clay art figures. Later, everyone meets Yui's relative's child, Mari, with Chinatsu reluctantly dressing up as her favorite anime character for her. | ||
07 | "Christmasery" "Kuri Sumaseri" (くり済ませり) |
August 16, 2011[4] |
With Christmas coming up, Kyōko holds a lottery to arrange the girls into pretend couples for mock dates. Kyōko and Chinatsu go to the movies and the arcade, Akari and Chitose visit some cafés, Himawari and Sakurako go to a restaurant while Ayano and Yui just sit around talking about their friends. Later, the girl's spend New Year's at home where they check their greetings cards from each other. | ||
08 | "April's Fool" "Eipuriru Fūru" (エイプリルフール) |
August 23, 2011[4] |
On April's Fools Day, Chitose decides to play a lying game with Ayano, who later discovers that all of her supposed lies were actually true. Later, Kyōko tries to get the attention of Chitose, only to discover it to be her twin sister, Chizuru, who doesn't particularly take too kindly to Kyōko. | ||
09 | "I'm Not Scared of This Summer" "Kotoshi no Natsu wa Kowakunai" (今年の夏はこわくない) |
August 30, 2011[4] |
The girls try to find way to distract themselves from the Summer heat. While visiting the student council room for some cooling comfort, they meet the silent student council president, Rise Matsumoto, who they mistake for a spirit. Meanwhile, the science teacher, Nana Nishigaki, decides to do her experiments in the student council room. | ||
10 | "It's a School Trip, but What are we Here to Learn, I wonder?" "Shūgakuryokō to Iu ga, Watashi-tachi wa Ittai Nani o Manabi Osameta no darō" (修学旅行というが、私たちは一体何を学び修めたのだろう) |
September 6, 2011[4] |
Kyoko and Yui, along with Ayano and Chitose, go on a school trip to Kyoto, where they explore the town, have a bath together and engage in a pillow fight. | ||
11 | "Our Amusement Club" "Watashi-tachi no Gorakubu" (わたしたちのごらく部) |
September 13, 2011[5] |
Akari, Kyoko and Yui reminisce their childhood days when they were being bullied by a certain pink-haired girl. Later, a bump on the head causes Kyoko to become uncharacteristically polite. The others soon begin to miss the old Kyoko, especially when Kyoko plans to disband the Amusement Club, so they decide to hit her on the head again to return her to normal. | ||
12 | "Everyone's Poka Poka at Training Camp" "Minna de Poka Poka Gasshuku e" (みんなでポカポカ合宿へ) |
September 20, 2011[5] |
Everyone decides to have a sleepover at the clubroom during the summer. Kyoko arranges a contest between the Amusement Club and the student council. After everyone has some barrel baths, Chitose goes on a kissing rampage as a result of eating chocolate. |